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Monthly Archives: August 2024


The Pros And Cons Of Shared Custody

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In Florida, there is a presumption under the law that 50/50 custody is in the best interests of the children. A divorcee must present evidence at trial that the 50/50 timesharing schedule isn’t in the best interests of the children. The court will default on shared custody. So, as a parent, it’s best to… Read More »

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Divorce Study: A Psychologist Explains How Gray Divorces Occur

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Much discussion has been had in recent years about the phenomenon of gray divorce. These are divorces that generally occur after the age of 50. Gray divorce begs the question, why would a couple that stayed together for such a long time decide to untie the knot so late in life? One psychologist sought… Read More »

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How Much Does A Divorce Cost In Orlando, FL?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

During a divorce, there are four major issues that need to be resolved. Those are equitable distribution of the marital estate, alimony, child custody, and child support. At the end of the divorce process, you will have an agreement in place with your former spouse that delineates each of these aspects of divorce. You… Read More »

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Florida Woman Sues For Divorce Only To Realize She Isn’t Married

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In the case of Lopes v. Lopes, Lucilia Lopes sued for divorce after what she assumed was a fifteen-year marriage to her husband. The trial judge, however, found that the marriage was void because Mrs. Lopes had a legal husband at the time of her purported marriage. The trial court annulled Mrs. Lopes’s marriage… Read More »

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