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50/50 Options For Co-Parenting Schedules

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Recent changes to Florida law have made it simpler for fathers to get shared custody and 50/50 time-sharing schedules with their children. In fact, there’s a presumption under the law that 50/50 time-sharing is in the best interest of the children. When the court makes child custody decisions, it does so under the presumption… Read More »

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Allegations Of Alcohol And Drug Abuse In A Florida Custody Case

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Recent changes to Florida’s family law rules presume that parents should be allotted 50/50 timesharing. This is the default arrangement ordered by the courts. However, the Florida courts also use “the best interest of the child standard” to determine whether or not that presumption is workable. For instance, if one parent is determined to… Read More »

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What Is A Status Quo Order In A Florida Divorce Case?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

A status quo order is a court order that is issued in family law cases to maintain the existing conditions or arrangements between the parties while their legal dispute is occurring. In Florida, such orders are most commonly seen in family law or child custody cases where they aim to prevent sudden changes initiated… Read More »

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Is Adultery A Factor In Whether The Courts Award Alimony?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Most people wouldn’t want to pay alimony to a cheating spouse. You may feel as though that spouse caused the breakdown of your marriage by cheating, and they don’t deserve to be paid for an extended period of time for their conduct. It’s perfectly reasonable to feel that way. Florida Statutes § 61.08  provides… Read More »

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What Is Alimony Pendente Lite?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Divorce requires that several important issues be decided before the actual divorce is finalized. These can include issues such as child visitation schedules and alimony. In terms of alimony, alimony decisions can arise before the divorce is even finalized. In particular, the court can order alimony pendente lite while a divorce is in process…. Read More »

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Do I Have To Go To Court To Finalize My Divorce?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

You’re probably used to seeing litigated divorces on television or at the movies. These are highly contentious divorces that are being dramatized for the sake of maximizing the amount of conflict between the characters. Such divorces are not representative of the way that actual divorces are handled. In most cases, divorces can be finalized… Read More »

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Am I Responsible For My Spouse’s Student Loans?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

It’s not uncommon for couples to marry while they’re finishing up college. Many couples meet in college and then marry after they graduate with an undergraduate degree. However, more couples are waiting until later in life to marry and that could have certain advantages when it comes to student loans. Technically speaking, the marital… Read More »

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What Can Stop Alimony Payments In Florida?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

If you’ve been awarded alimony during your Florida divorce, then you should know that these payments will not last forever. Further, they can be terminated at any time so long as the paying spouse petitions the court to stop the alimony payments. The question then becomes: will the courts grant their request? That depends… Read More »

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What Is A Collaborative Divorce In Florida?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Traditionally, divorces are either mediated or litigated. Mediated divorces are those in which the participants hire a neutral third party to facilitate an agreement between the two spouses. Mediation is largely considered the cheapest and fastest way to end a marriage. But not all participants in mediation resolve their issues and sometimes, they’re so… Read More »

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The Greatest Predictors Of Divorce: Lack Of Commitment, Infidelity, And Domestic Abuse

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

With the dockets full of divorce cases, a number of research universities and sociologists have conducted various studies on divorce giving us some prime indicators of when and why it occurs. According to a study conducted by Samantha Joel et al. in 2020, a spouse’s relationship satisfaction can be measured by how committed we… Read More »

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