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Category Archives: Family


Appeals Court Hears Case On Equitable Distribution Of Marital Property

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Each state has its own rules on how property and debts are divided once a marriage is dissolved. Some states, like California, are considered “community property” states. In these states, the marital estate is simply divided in half with each party receiving 50% of its assets and liabilities. Florida does not work like that…. Read More »

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Florida Man Successfully Appeals Domestic Violence Injunction

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In the case of McGuire v. Boscan, the appellee, Ms. Boscan, had a domestic violence order of protection entered against the defendant for two incidents that occurred in 2017. Mr. McGuire appealed a final judgment of injunction for protection against domestic violence without minor children entered against him on behalf of Ms. Boscan, his… Read More »

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Establishing Paternity In Florida

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

There are several ways to establish paternity in Florida. The simplest way is when you are married to a woman who is giving birth to the child. In Florida, there is a legal presumption that a husband is the legal father of a child born during the marriage. But what if you’re not married?… Read More »

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Former Wife Files Motion For Contempt Based On Failure To Pay Alimony

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Recent changes to the law have done away with permanent alimony. Today, a former spouse is only entitled to durational alimony which is calculated based on the length of the marriage. However, the appeals courts are still hearing cases concerning permanent alimony for agreements that were entered into prior to the law change. In… Read More »

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Appeals Court Hears Case Considering Husband’s Petition To End Durational Alimony

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

Alimony is awarded in many Florida divorce cases. Generally, the spouse receiving alimony must show a genuine need for spousal support and the party paying alimony must have the ability to make the payments. The size and duration of the alimony payments are generally based on the length of the marriage. In one case,… Read More »

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Appeals Court Considers Whether Former Wife Should Be Entitled To Attorney’s Fees

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In some divorce lawsuits, the court will require one party to pay the other’s legal fees. Courts don’t generally do this, but in some cases, a party to a divorce may petition the court to award compensation for their legal expenses. The party requesting legal fees must establish that they can’t afford to pay… Read More »

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What Is The “Best Interests Of The Child Standard” In A Florida Custody Case?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In years past, states would generally favor the mother when awarding custody of the children to one parent or another. Today, all states have moved away from this standard and employed another. Instead, when determining custody, the state will make a determination based on the best interests of the child. This standard assumes that… Read More »

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How Is Cryptocurrency Treated In A Florida Divorce?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

In 2020, the Florida Supreme Court implemented revised disclosure rules relating to financial disclosures made during divorce. According to the new rules, parties in any family law case are required to disclose any virtual currency transactions that occurred within the past 12 months. The new rules require spouses to further provide a listing of… Read More »

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What Does A Guardian Ad Litem Do In A Florida Custody Case?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

When two parents are in high conflict over child custody, a Florida court may see fit to appoint a guardian ad litem to help investigate the dispute and ensure the child’s best interests. In other cases, a parent may request a guardian ad litem be assigned to their case. When both parents agree, the… Read More »

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What Can I Place In A Prenuptial Agreement In Florida?

By Greater Orlando Family Law |

While many believe that prenuptial agreements are only for the rich, they are becoming much more popular in modern marriages. Think of it this way. You already have a prenuptial agreement in place when you get married. It’s Florida’s rules for family law, asset distribution, alimony, and other provisions of divorce. A prenuptial agreement… Read More »

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