How Can I Successfully Negotiate A Divorce Settlement?

If you are a Florida resident who is currently going through the divorce process, the following article will provide some helpful tips for successfully negotiating a divorce settlement with the other spouse.
What is a divorce settlement agreement?
During the divorce process, the spouses may decide to come together to create an agreement on certain aspects related to the divorce (such as child custody, child support, or alimony) in order for the process to be more efficient. This settlement process is similar to any other settlement, where each party will present their wishes and concerns to the other party and will hopefully be able to negotiate until both parties create a cohesive agreement. This resulting agreement is generally referred to as a divorce settlement agreement.
What are some tips for successfully negotiating a divorce settlement?
The goal of divorce settlement discussions is to come up with an agreement that both spouses can live with. Try these tips to successfully negotiate a settlement:
- Be willing to negotiate. The key to a successful divorce settlement is a willingness to negotiate to seek peaceful negotiations between the two parties. It is important to come into the settlement process with the concession that you may not get your way on every single issue. Ultimately, the goal of settlement is to hash out issues related to the divorce in a civil and effective manner. If you show a willingness to compromise, you are more likely to obtain a better settlement.
- Make sure you understand the situation fully. Before coming to an agreement, both parties should ensure that they have a complete understanding of the other party’s finances, assets, and debts, as well as what property is considered marital property and what property belongs to an individual spouse. Any agreement that is created without this understanding will not be complete, which can be problematic in the future.
- Know your rights and responsibilities. Two divorce-related issues that cause much contention during divorce proceedings are child custody and child support. During the divorce process, each spouse still has a responsibility to ensure the well-being of any children they have. As such, both spouses should consider discussing which parent will have what responsibility until such a time as any pending child custody or child support issues are resolved by the court. This could include discussions regarding where the child will primarily live, how visitation will work, and what protocols to take if a future disagreement emerges.
- Pay attention to what the other spouse wants (and does not want). Part of the negotiating process requires making sure you know what the other spouse is actually asking for. Both parties should come to settlement discussions with a clear list of goals regarding what they expect to result from the divorce. Then, each party should share that list with the other party to ensure that they are both on the same page. Additionally, each party should know what the other’s best and worst outcome would be. Working with this information, each party will have a better basis for compromising.
- Keep your emotions out of it. Divorce is, by nature, an often contentious process. It is expected that there will be some bad blood and negative emotions between the parties. However, you must resist the urge to get emotional during the settlement process. Doing so can completely derail any talks of settlement. Rather, it is important to remain calm and peaceful. You may consider hiring a divorce attorney who can effectively communicate your needs without causing unnecessary arguments due to emotional outbursts.
If You Have Additional Questions Regarding The Divorce Process, Our Firm Can Help
If you need additional information regarding the divorce process, please contact Greater Orlando Family Law. Our experienced Orlando family law attorneys will be happy to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation appointment with our firm.