How To Get More Alimony

When a marriage dissolves, so do many aspects of the life that you have sacrificed to build. This can be especially hard if you forwent a career or higher education in order to support your spouse by managing the household and raising children. If your sacrifices are then for nothing, you could find yourself in a very difficult spot. Luckily, court-ordered alimony payments exist to protect against this kind of inequity. Alimony payments are paid by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse, in order to compensate them for the contributions they have made to the marriage and to acknowledge that those sacrifices were necessary for the marital wealth that was accumulated. In other words, even if there was only one breadwinner, they were only able to earn their paycheck because of the support and contributions made by the other spouse. The other spouse should therefore be compensated with an equitable share of the wealth and the means to maintain a comfortable standard of living while establishing their own life. So how do you get the most out of your alimony payments? We’ll discuss that here.
How is Alimony Determined?
The primary consideration when determining alimony payments is need and ability. This means that if both spouses have incomes and the ability to support themselves to a high standard of living, neither may need support from the other. Additionally, the higher-earning spouse must have the ability to pay alimony. If you want to ensure that you receive a high alimony payment, you should therefore be prepared to demonstrate specific needs for alimony payments as well as your ex-spouse’s ability to pay it. Your lawyer can help you determine what needs you have financially. These can cover living expenses, as well as costs for higher education or training so that you will be able to retain your own employment. Some people may have additional needs that must be considered. For instance, if two people have been married for 50 years, and the spouse is now past the age of joining the workforce, they would not be expected to have to find a way to support themselves. Additionally, if one spouse has a disability or medical condition that prevents them from working or limits their ability to do so, this may also be considered in determining an appropriate alimony amount. If you have already accepted an alimony amount and then learned that your ex-spouse was concealing assets, or your circumstances changed such that you now have materially different needs, it may be possible to return to court to obtain a more appropriate alimony amount. If this is the situation you have found yourself in, it’s important to consult with your attorney to see whether post-settlement litigation is an option for you. It is always best to do this sooner rather than later.
Contact Greater Orlando Family Law
If you are going through a divorce and want to make sure that you get the highest alimony payments that you are entitled to, it’s important to have an experienced Orlando alimony attorney on your side. Contact Greater Orlando Family Law to schedule a consultation today.