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Steps To Take After Receiving Divorce Papers


Receiving divorce papers can be a demoralizing experience. Some folks are in shock while others saw it coming. In either event, it’s no fun to be served with divorce papers. Your life is about to change dramatically. You may be overwhelmed by the impending changes. You’re going to need to gather your wits because it’s time to make some important decisions. In this article, we’ll discuss what actions you should take immediately after being served with divorce papers.

Read the divorce papers thoroughly 

Before you do anything else, you’ll want to read through the divorce papers very carefully. The document will contain important information about the legal process, timelines, and your spouse’s demands regarding issues such as property division, alimony, child custody, and child support. You’ll want to pay close attention to the following:

  • Summons – This notifies you that a legal action has been taken against you.
  • Petition for the dissolution of marriage – This outlines any claims made by your spouse concerning the marriage and what they are requesting from the divorce.
  • Deadlines – Failure to comply with deadlines could result in default judgments against you.

Understanding the scope and implications of these documents is absolutely critical to protecting your interests in the divorce. You may be overwhelmed reading these documents. They may be difficult to understand. You will need the help of a seasoned family law attorney. That’s why your next step is to contact an attorney.

Contact an Orlando family law attorney 

After reviewing the divorce papers, your next step is to consult with an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can provide you with all of the following benefits:

  • Legal guidance – An attorney will help you understand your rights and options.
  • Strategy development – An attorney will help you devise a strategy that aligns with your goals and interests.
  • Paperwork assistance – You will have to fill out a lot of paperwork as part of your divorce. This paperwork can be complex. An attorney ensures that all documents are filled out properly and on time.

Organize your financial information 

You will need to submit a financial affidavit as part of your divorce filing. You will want to get your financial affairs in order and prepare for the financial aspect of your divorce. This includes:

  • Gathering documents – Collect all relevant financial documents, including bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs, mortgage statements, and retirement account information.
  • Inventory assets and debts – You will want to make a detailed list of all your assets and debts including real estate, vehicles, credit card debts, loans, and collectibles.
  • Budget planning – You will want to develop a post-divorce budget to help you understand your financial needs and obligations moving forward. Be sure to include child support payments if you have children.

Talk to an Orlando Family Law Attorney Today 

Greater Orlando Family Law represents the interests of Orlando residents who have just been served with divorce papers. Call our Orlando divorce lawyers today to schedule an appointment, and we can begin protecting your interests right away.

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