What To Know About Emancipation In Florida

Emancipation is the process by which a minor under the age of 18 is essentially unburdened of the disability of being a minor. In other words, a minor who is legally emancipated will have all the rights, privileges, and expectations of a legal adult, and will no longer qualify for support from their parents or protection from Child Protective Services. Although this is a big decision that can have heavy consequences for a young person, there are a number of reasons that a minor may choose to move forward with pursuing emancipation, or why it may be the best choice for your child and your family to do so.
Common Reasons for Emancipation
- Marriage. In Florida, minors are not legally able to wed if they are under the age of 19 without their parent’s permission. There is an exception if the minor is pregnant and seeking to marry. In this case, they may be married with the permission of a judge rather than of their parents. However, some minors may decide to try and become emancipated in order to get married without their parents permission.
- Financial Independence. Although it is uncommon, some teenagers have reached a point where they are financially self-sufficient and have the means to support themselves. If they remain a dependent of their parent, their parent has legal authority to manage and spend their money. In some cases, this may lead both parent and child to pursue emancipation, as the parents are encouraging of their minor child’s success and desire to make their own financial decisions. In other situations, a minor may seek emancipation from the court if they do not agree with the choices their parent is making on their behalf.
- Disability. Minors suffering from serious and debilitating conditions may require government aid that they do not qualify for due to their parents’ income levels or asset holdings, even if their parents are not actively supporting them. For these individuals, being emancipated can mean that their parents’ financials will no longer stand in the way of receiving the aid and assistance that they are entitled to.
- Disagreements over how the minor should live their life. In many cases, a teenager will not agree with their parents on what choices they should make with their life. For instance, they may want to drop out of school, which they cannot legally do as a minor without parental permission. It may cause great tension in the family. Emancipation means that the minor will be allowed to make the choices that they feel are best for them, and that the parents will no longer be responsible for them.
Contact Greater Orlando Family Law Today
If you are a minor seeking emancipation, or a parent who is considering whether emancipation of your child is the best choice for them and your family, the Orlando family law attorneys at Greater Orlando Family Law are ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn about your options.